Meet the Leadership Team

Our Senior Leadership

Leadership is not about being in-charge, is about taking care of those in our charge

Dinesh Khaladkar
Founder | 1964-2024
" The only difference between success and failure is the ability to exeQute."
As the Founder, Dinesh Khaladkar guided the company strategy, strategic business development, strategic partnering and alliance development, customer centric focus, and the direction of internal product/technology development. He was the obvious eQ and eQube® Brand Ambassador!

Dinesh founded eQ Technologic in Sept 2000 and spearheaded the company’s growth with Global 1000 Customers. He came with over 30 years of experience & expertise in strategic management, complex product development management, enterprise software development, supply chain management, enterprise application integration, executive decision-making, business analytics, and development of organization-wide performance metrics. He conceived eQube®, our flagship product platform and led it’s positioning as a revolutionary Data as a Service (DaaS) platform.

The eQube®-DaaS Platform is the brain child of Dinesh that creates an enterprise information infrastructure which establishes a Digital Backbone of integrated applications and provides enterprise-wide visibility leading to Actionable Insight.
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Kanchan Khaladkar
Chairperson & CMO
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Kunal Khaladkar
President & CEO
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Sanjeev Tamboli
Exec. VP Products & CTO
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Rahul Bhagwat
Sr. VP - Customer Engagements
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Nathan Nalven
Sr. VP - Customer Engagements
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Alan Walker
VP - Customer Engagements
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Gareth Webb
VP - EMEA Customer Engagements
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Ashutosh Khandekar
Sr. Dir - Finance
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Allan Miyata
Dir - Technology Partnerships
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Mark Trammell
Sr. Dir - Customer Engagements
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Joseph Garay
V.P. Legal & Admin
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Devdutta Kulkarni
Dir - Product Support & Training