
Adient- Automated Integration cuts Build Time by 40%

eQ's Automated Integration cuts Build Time by 40% at Adient


40% Reduction in the time to build

20 APIs developed and orchestrated
to build the solution

4 Key processes that populate and
enrich the MBOM from the EBOM

Business Opportunities

  • Replace manual Excel-based processes with automated solutions for pre-production and MBOM creation.
  • Enhance data accuracy and reduce time to manufacture the product.
  • Unify data from diverse sources and streamline operations throughout the seat manufacturing lifecycle at Adient.
  • Solution had to be scalable.


  • Comprehensive data integration and synchronization encompassing all data sources.
  • Workflow automation that can be altered easily.
  • Inbuilt Dashboards that helped analyze and compare data to maintain data consistency and accuracy.
  • 4 key processes (Material Creation, Material Enrichment, Material Transfer & Material Response) were established and automated EBOM and MBOM.

eQube® Benefits

  • Replaced manual processes with automated workflows, reducing resource use and time-to-market.
  • Achieved seamless data integration across various platforms and applications.
  • Enabled better decision-making with up-to-date data.
  • Provided adaptable solutions, capable of scaling according to the company's needs.
  • API Development for real-time data integration between Teamcenter and the Mendix platform, reduced time spent on manual data transmission.
  • The automation eliminated manual errors and streamlined data transfer between systems.

eQ Process

  • Enterprise-wide application integration from systems like Teamcenter, ERP, project management, and supply chain management software.
  • Data federation using eQube® heterogeneous micro-services on the Mendix platform, facilitating seamless data access and sharing.
  • No Coding was required.
  • Rapid eQube®-BI solution in terms of intuitive dashboards for analyzing complex PLM data.

eQube® Products Used

  • eQube® Integration Suite: eQube®-MI for enterprise-wide application integration.
  • eQube® Analytics Suite: eQube®-BI for rapid dashboard solutions to analyze complex PLM data.
  • Used heterogeneous micro-services created on the eQube®-DaaS Platform and consumed on the Mendix platform for building the data federation app.
eQ's Automated Integration cuts
							Build Time by 40% at Adien | eqube