eQ delivers a seamless integration solution for NGC using eQube®-DaaS Platform's 'No Code' connectors
Rapid solution development
30% Increase in productivity
1 hour Significant reduction in training time
Business Opportunities
Seamless Integration of homegrown shop floor management system with ERP and PLM to manage Engineering and Manufacturing data
- Material Master Data synchronization between PLM & ERP (two way)
- Parts created in PLM are transferred to ERP - triggered by release workflow
- Additional attributes populated in ERP are brought back in PLM for reference
- MBOM transfer from PLM to ERP
- Complex data extraction & transformation needed to create Change Masters (Effectivity) and MBOM data in SAP
- Revisions of BOM in PLM are calculated to translate into add/modify/delete in SAP
- BOP transfer from PLM to ERP
- Includes SWI (Supplier Work Instructions)
- Operations, TWIs, Workcenters, Tools and Effectivity data
- BOP transfer from PLM to MES
- Includes TWIs, Workcenters, Tools along with Effectivity data, attached documents/artefacts
- Failure messages returned from destination system are made available in PLM audit logs to end users
- Modular design allows reuse of sub-processes reducing development and maintenance efforts
- Validations included as part of transformation logic which ensures data quality
eQube® Products Used
- eQube®-MI
- eQube® Connectors: Teamcenter, Databases
- Publish to Webservice - to communicate with SAP/PI
- Common eQube®-MI processes used across interfaces for error handling, workflow sign-offs etc
eQube® Benefits
- Seamless integration with Teamcenter and SAP workflows leveraging the Northrop Grumman processes
- Features such as Wait-Publish Auto Retry used to ensure data integrity & minimum human intervention
- "Upgrade tolerant" - Code-less last-mile connectivity to systems using COTS eQube connectors