eQ delivers a seamless integration and analytics solution for Lockheed Martin's VDM
Quick data integration deployed
10 million Parts and Fitments exchanged
Seamless orchestration of workflows
Business Opportunities
- When a supplier is contracted to design and provide a system like a Landing Gear, they are required to upload its bill of material or part structure in an agreed upon format
- They do that through a process that involves Logistics Data Manager (LDM) and it results in a quantity-based part structure
- The Sustainment BOM project (SBOM) envisions an Occurrence based part structure whose parts will be assigned to a Functional Logistic Control Numbers (FLCNs) structure
- The business required a mechanism and the process to create part structures in Teamcenter that will ultimately lead to a Supplier uploading their part structure directly to Teamcenter
- eQube®-MI acts as a message broker and manages communication among various systems involved
- Performs ATLAS and Decisions validations
- Initiation of J0820 structure creation in Teamcenter
- Auto-retry mechanism while connecting to Decisions /Teamcenter
- Maintaining life-cycle status when a transaction (for a particular part structure) goes through various stages of business flow
- Scheduled event to identify requests pending for Decisions’ validation response and mark them expired
- Re-submit validation requests to Decisions on eQube®-MI server restart
- Integrating vendor data from AeroSource into LDM for synchronization
- Part structure compare report generation and attaching exported report to part structure in AeroSource
- Email notifications
eQube® Benefits
- eQube®-MI’s capability of orchestrating complete business flow by connecting to systems like MRO, ATLAS, Decisions, Mounted File System, Teamcenter
- Seamless data integration between AeroSource (Teamcenter Unified) and LDM (Teamcenter Enterprise) instances
- (eQube®-TM) Map-driven data integration solution
- User friendly console
- Ability to initiate business flow through external trigger using eQube® AG
- Auto-generation of part structure comparison report using eQube®-BI’s EMS feature
eQube® Products Used
- eQ Products used: eQube®-MI, eQube®-TM, eQube®-AG, eQube®-BI
- eQube®-BI EMS mechanism that interfaces between eQube®-MI and eQube®-BI
- eQube® Connectors used: Teamcenter SOA, Teamcenter Enterprise, Oracle, File System, Excel
- “For-Purpose” App built using eQube® products and eQube® UI services