Lockheed Martin implements Next Gen VAS using eQube®-DaaS Platform
Quick data integration deployed
10 million Parts and Fitments exchanged
Seamless orchestration of workflows
Business Opportunities
- The VAS web server methods used for data access have been deprecated by the vendor (Siemens)
- The PDM (TcEnterprise) system provides access to BOM information, and management of JT file data. PDM is planned to sunset by 2024
- PDM has reached the practical limits of performance for nightly VAS updates, and will not scale to meet future F-35 Production Rates
- The current report window of 5 hours cannot be extended due to the performance impact on interactive users and other reporting
- Each data-elements replicated to NGV-TC is tagged with group privileges
- Rapid generation and re-generation of PLMXML enabling fast rendering on NGV-TC instance of JT models
- Continuous sync of changes (data and JTs) from Aerosource to NGV-TC instance
eQube® Products Used
- eQ Products used: eQube®-MI,eQube®-TM
- eQube® Connectors used: Teamcenter
- Process driven integration approach
eQube® Benefits
- Seamless integration between two similar Teamcenter instances
- Code-less last-mile connectivity to systems using COTS eQube® connectors
- Rapid eQube® solution deployment (within few months) without disrupting or deploying any component on end-systems